Missed out on Tarleton Giving Week 2024? You can still make an impact by clicking here to make a gift!
Leadership and Military College

A Tarleton tradition since 1917, the enduring goal of the Tarleton State University Corps of Cadets is to provide students an opportunity to become highly effective, successful leaders and to inspire a lifelong pursuit of service and excellence. The Texan Corps of Cadets are instilled with the values essential for service to our nation and are exceptionally qualified to succeed in business, government and the military. Members of the Corps can participate in any major area of study. Due to the rapid growth growth of the corps, the Leadership & Military College was established in 2020 to encompass the Corps as well as other military leadership opportunities. Tarleton is the only four-year university in the nation to implement a military college with a corps of cadets.

The Leadership & Military College combines academic course work with real-world experiences to cultivate individual leadership. In addition to the Texan Corps of Cadets, the college offers a leadership degree and certificate as well as myriad internship opportunities.

Students who join the Corps gain a strong preparation for a world that values commitment, perseverance, teamwork, and a dedication to the idea of being committed to something bigger than themselves. While participation in the Corps requires no military obligation, ROTC programs are available for Army, Air Force and Marine Corps.

Gifts to the John Tarleton Leadership Academy are used at the discretion of the Dean and Commandant of Cadets for student and staff travel, supplies, equipment and unbudgeted opportunities. Gifts will provide programs and events that serve to promote the importance of leadership and character development among students, faculty and alumni. Programs include distinguished leadership forums, invited speaker series and Texan Leaders of Today programs.

Gifts to the Texan Corps of Cadets are used at the discretion of the Commandant of Cadets for cadet travel, supplies, equipment, facility upgrades and unbudgeted opportunities. Events include Bataan Memorial March, Army Ten-Miler, Nichols Rising Leaders Conference, Battle of Flowers Parade, Tulane National Drill Meet, U.S. History Staff Ride and Normandy Staff Ride.

Most Donors during Giving Week!
The Tarleton Foundation, Inc. is sponsoring a challenge for the College or Division that brings in the most donors during Tarleton Giving Week! The 1st place winner will win $5,000! The 2nd place college or division will win $3,000 and 3rd place will win $2,000!
Rank Prize Department Donors
1 $5,000 Honors College 34
2 $3,000 College of Liberal and Fine Arts 29
3 $2,000 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources 20
4 Student Engagement and Success 18
5 Leadership and Military College 15
Most Dollars during Giving Week!
President James and First Lady Kindall Hurley at Tarleton is sponsoring a challenge for Colleges and Divisions that brings in the most dollars during Giving Week! The 1st place winner of this challenge will win $5,000, 2nd place $3,000 and 3rd place $2,000! Spread the word!
Rank Prize Department Raised
1 $5,000 College of Agriculture and Natural Resources $19,510.00
2 $3,000 Honors College $8,515.00
3 $2,000 College of Liberal and Fine Arts $7,727.50
4 Leadership and Military College $6,785.00
5 College of Education $2,775.00
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